The famous Real Estate Guru's audios are good but never give you all the information.  This is where we fill in the blanks and help you see how it will work with YOU and WHERE WE LIVE.  This is fun as we put the total picture together.
Audio quality is reduced to save in download time. 
Higher quality can be heard in the office.

Brian Tracy
21 Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires

01 - Introduction
02 - Overview
03 - Dream Big Dreams
04 - Develop a Clear Direction
05 - See Yourself
06 - Do What You Love To Do
07 - Commit to Excellence
08 - Develop of Workaholic Mentality
09 - Dedicate to Lifelong Learning
11 - Learn Every Detail of Your Business
12 - Dedicate Yourself to Serving Others
13 - Be Impeccably Honest
14 - Set Priorities and Concentrate Single-mindedly
15 - Be Quick and Reliable
16 - Be Prepared to Climb from Peak to Peak
17 - Practice Self Discipline
18 - Secret 16-Unlock Creativity
19 - Get Around the Right People
20 - Take Excellent Care of Your Health
21 - Be Decisive and Action Oriented
22 - Never Consider failure
23 - Develop Persistence & Determination
24 - Conclusion

21 Secrets of Self Made Millionaires (40 page PDF)

Evergreen Solutions
- Updated July 17, 2010 3:38 p.m.

