For the investor,
our investments
are very secure and make a fantastic investment tool. We have
lost one penny of investor money on any home. If an investor
to get out early, we allow that. We understand your situation
and will replace your investment with someone else.
For Evergreen Solutions,
the risks
are having the home damaged by renters. However, we have never
one penny of investor funds with these problems. We have no plans
to ever have one of our investors lose their money.
For the renter or buyer,
their needs change before they purchase and need to upgrade or down
when the year rental to own term is over. This is where we offer
another benefit, we will transfer your credits to another home we offer
without penalty. Eliminating the risk all together.
For the seller, there
is little
if any risk and most of our sellers still go out and get additional
on new homes even on the homes we just take over their payments.
We can do this by the way we close the loans and our paperwork.
sellers benefit from our credit and perfect payments and still qualify
for new financing. Everyone to date who has needed new financing
has been able to get the new loans and move on. Works great for